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Computer Question Bank
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Ms Word: Ctrl + M
  1. New Document
  2. Close Document
  3. Right Indent
  4. Left Indent

Q2. The first machine to successfully perform a long series of arithmetic and logical operations was:

  1. ENIAC
  2. Mark-I
  3. Analytic Engine
  4. UNIVAC-1
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Word: Which of the following is not a font style?

  1. Bold
  2. Italics
  3. Regular
  4. Superscript
Correct Answer

Q4. Which of the following is not there in motherboard?

  1. System Clock
  2. Buses
  3. Ports
  4. VDT
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms PowerPoint:Which of the following will not advance the slides in a slide show view?

  1. Esc key
  2. The spacebar
  3. The Enter key
  4. The mouse button
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Excel:How do you display current date and time in MS Excel?

  1. date ()
  2. Today ()
  3. now ()
  4. time ()
Correct Answer

Q7. Which of the following is required when more than one person uses a central computer at the same time?

  1. Terminal
  2. Light pen
  3. Digitizer
  4. Mouse
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Excel:Which of the following options is not located in the Page Setup dialog box?

  1. Page Break Preview.
  2. Page Orientation
  3. Margins
  4. Headers and Footers
Correct Answer

Q9. The Primary job of the operating system is

  1. Manage Commands
  2. Manage Users
  3. Manage Programs
  4. Manage Resources
Correct Answer

Q10. Anything you cut or copy on to the clipboard remains there until you

  1. Change it
  2. Clear
  3. Exit windows
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

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